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Ajuntament de Tortosa
Ajuntament de Tortosa


Tortosa BUS

Tortosa disposes to the public urban bus transport service.

Actualment l'empresa HIFE és la concessionària del servei de transport col.lectiu urbà de viatgers.


Transport col.lectiu urbà de viatgers

There are two urban bus lines L2 and L3.

L-2 Tortosa centre-Sant Llàtzer - Hospital V. Cinta

L-3 Tortosa centre-Rastre-Remolins


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L-1 Centre - Ferreries - Jesús - Roquetes

Line L1, connects Tortosa with Jesús and the city of Roquetes.

Shuttle Bus

In order to facilitate the access to the Hospital Verge de la Cinta, the city features a shuttle bus that connects a wide parking zone, located in the Generalitat Avenue, with the Hospital Verge de la Cinta.


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