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Ajuntament de Tortosa
Ajuntament de Tortosa



Mayor's competences are essentially executive and about top level management of the municipal public services and activities, thus as chairing and representing the municipal corporation. It can be resumed as follows:

Representing the local corporation and political government of the City Council, including representing and chairing their different councils and comittees, and the power to make sure that the municipal government resolutions are acomplished.

Top level direction of the local government, management of the public local services administration and the direction of the public employees.

City Council financial management and execution according to its approved budget, including the capacity to contract credit operations, contracting and acquiring goods, with the limitation of 10 per cent of budget\s ordinary resources, and even the ability of selling goods in established circumstances.

Mayor is the top authority in matters of citizens security in the municipality, thus having the top responsibility of the Local Police and the power to adopt exceptional measures in case of emergency or catastrophic situations.

Exercise the competences about municipal fines and penalisations and about granting the municipal permits and licences.

Approving the minor planning documents about urban planning and development.


The Mayor may delegate most of its competences to the Local Government Comission, to the deputy mayors or to the councillors (with the exception of those listed in art 53. 3 of the TRLMRLC).

The Mayor delegations have to be clearly defined and ought to be published at the province official bulletin.

The Mayor may revoke at any moment the delegations of competences he/she has made.

As of today, Mayor has delegated the following competences: